What is a Care Order?
A Care Order is an Order, which places a child under the care of the Local Authority.
The Order is applied for by the Local Authority and gives the Local Authority shared Parental Responsibility for the child with the parents. This can mean that the parent’s wishes and Parental Responsibility can be overridden by the Local Authority if it believes it is in the best interests of the child
Family Law Services
What is an Interim Care Order?
An Interim Care Order, just like a Care Order grants the Local Authority Parental Responsibility. This means they are able to make decisions relating to the child’s living arrangements in the absence of the parents’ consent.
An Interim Care Order is a temporary measure and can last for up to 8 weeks and can be renewed every 4 weeks after that. The Court will grant such an Order if it believes there is good reason to that a child may be at serious risk of harm.
When an application for an Interim Care Order is made, the Local Authority will have to prepared an Interim Care Plan which sets out where the child should live until the final hearing. This will include contact arrangements between the parent and the child.
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